Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Emmaus Walk bulletin: 4 Apr

Dear all Walkers,

We have come to the end of Lent, and will enter the Paschal Triduum, the holiest season in the liturgical calendar. How has your Lent been? Nevertheless, it's time for the final preparations, and may the next few days be truly Holy for you.

Upcoming schedule:

Maundy Thursday

Chrism Mass - 10:30am
At the Chrism Mass, the oils that are used for anointing - Chrism, Catechumen, Oil of the Sick - are blessed and distributed to the parishes. If you have friends or relatives who are getting baptised at Easter Vigil, then they will be anointed with fresh oil! This year, our parish has the honour of hosting this Mass, so if you are free to attend, do come and see!

Celebration of the Last Supper - 6:30pm
We commemorate the Last Supper and the Institution of the Eucharist at this Mass. The altar is striped bare at the end of Mass, and the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration until midnight, before being removed, signifying the events of that night where the disciples stay with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (and fall asleep), and then Jesus is taken away for his trial and subsequent Passion.

Special Event: Stations of the Cross - 9:00pm, Prayer Room
Instead of walking to other parishes, this year we will be walking around our own parish in a special reflection on the Stations of the Cross. It will also be our chance to utilise the beautiful outdoor stations that have been constructed at the field. Do join us for a time of reflection on this last earthly journey that Jesus undertook.

Good Friday

The Lord's Passion (in English unless otherwise stated) - 8am, 10am (Stations in Teochew), 1030am (Mandarin), 1:00pm, 3:00pm, 5:00pm.
We commemorate the Lord's Passion on this day. Remember to venerate the CROSS, not the feet of Jesus! The NEP participants will be at a retreat from 9am - 5pm, please keep them in your prayers!

Easter Vigil
This is the greatest night in the liturgical year, as we keep watch and await the resurrection of Jesus. Mass times at 7:00pm (Mandarin) and 10:00pm.

Easter Sunday
Mass times will be as usual.
However, EW will not be as usual. We will be having a POTLUCK dinner! Yay! Hope as many of you can make it as possible!
Venue: A-Wing 3.
Time: 7pm - late.

In other news,

1) "Christians Developing the World Together" - 11, 18, 25 May, 1 June (Fridays)
A series of talks by Fr David Garcia, O.P, for young adults (~18-40) on social issues and Catholic Social Teaching. Come and learn more about how you can help make the world a better place. For more information and registration details, see the attached file.

2) Archdiocesan Vocation Retreat - (7:30pm, Fri 4 May - 5:00pm, Sun 6 May)
This is the main Archdiocesan vocation discernment event for the year. Register early to avoid disappointment. You may either register through Fr Henry Siew, our parish priest, or email the seminarians through the form attached.

Ok that is all from me, do have a blessed Holy Week ahead!

In His Love
for Emmaus Walk

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